Submission Guidelines

The goals of Oxygen Art Centre are to stimulate the creation, exhibition, and discussion of contemporary art in all disciplines; to encourage cultural development and professional artistic practices; to engage in community development through art-based projects; and to achieve diversity in programming and organizational practices.
Artists are encouraged to submit proposals expressing interest in an exhibition, a residency, or both. Oxygen’s Submission Guidelines are structured to offer an introduction to you and your practice; you are not expected to have a resolved project at the time of application. We are interested in hearing about your approaches, ideas, and methodologies with which you might approach collaboration with Oxygen. More information on Oxygen’s submission guidelines can be found below.
Oxygen Art Centre’s Exhibition and Residency program accepts submissions from artists in all stages of their practice on an annual basis.
Exhibitions and Residencies are typically planned two to three years in advance.
Deadline to apply: February 19, 2025, by 12:00 PM Midnight (PST) / Google Form
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Submission Overview > Who > Accessibility > Exhibitions > Residencies > How to Apply > Review
Oxygen Art Centre is a rural artist-run centre that provides space and programming for artists and the public to engage in the creation, experimentation, research, exhibition, and performance of contemporary art. We are particularly interested in work that pushes the scope of artistic practice and practices rooted in feminist, disability, gender expansive, harm-reduction, and activist strategies. Please consult our archives to review previous programming interests.
Oxygen welcomes proposals that engage our mandate in exciting and challenging ways. As of 2022, we no longer seek submissions for specific projects or exhibitions. Instead, we are interested in receiving applications that present your practice and research questions. This could include a summary of current concerns, methodologies, mediums, and research interests that you are working with or are interested in exploring further. While we do not expect that you apply with a resolved project in mind, you are welcome to propose solo, group, curated, or major exhibition projects and screenings, workshops, performances, and collaborations.
Guiding questions:
● What are current concerns or interests in your practice?
● What are you obsessed with right now?
● Why are you interested in working with Oxygen?
● What do you want to do in the space?
● What are you hoping to explore?
● How would an exhibition or residency serve your practice?
● What are the contexts that inspire your work?
Oxygen Art Centre’s Exhibition and Residency program accepts submissions from artists, researchers, curators, and collectives.
Artists who live and work within the Columbia Basin region (RDCK), provincially (BC), and nationally (Canada), as well as artists from marginalized backgrounds and experiences, are encouraged to apply. International artists are invited to apply; however, given Oxygen’s rural, isolated location, additional funding supports will be required and factored into the review process.
Oxygen’s Exhibition & Residency program schedule typically hosts two (2) residencies for artistic and curatorial research (with or without a resulting exhibition), and up to three (3) exhibitions with adjunct programming in a calendar year. Artists-in-residence and exhibiting artists are encouraged to work with Oxygen staff to develop complimentary public programming like talks, reading groups, workshops, or open studios along their project.
Oxygen supports exhibitions and projects that engage our mandate in exciting and challenging ways. We welcome work in any medium, including photography, video, performance art, drawing, installation, ceramics, textiles, community- and socially-engaged practices. We accept proposals for solo, group, curated, or major exhibition-led projects and screenings, workshops, performances, and collaborations. Oxygen considers the form of “exhibition” as a public meeting space for exchange and is encouraged by proposals that challenge traditional exhibition forms.
Applicants can submit proposals for an Exhibition OR a Residency, OR both. Please submit all documents specified in the Submission Guidelines.
Oxygen Art Centre is committed to ensuring all residencies, exhibitions, programs, and events are accessible to artists and visitors. Our facilities are wheelchair accessible and equipped with an accessible all-genders washroom. Oxygen’s facilities are located along an alleyway behind Baker Street without parking. Loading and temporary parking are available, but this can become a tight area due to the high traffic of trucks, vehicles, and pedestrians. Please get in touch with us for more information about our facilities and accessibility, as well as make arrangements to utilize our space best. If there are ways that the submission process could be made more accessible, please get in touch with us at
Oxygen’s Exhibition Program aims to present the work of artists at any stage in their practice that challenges both our audience and the boundaries of artistic practice.
The Exhibition Program presents three to four exhibitions in a calendar year. Exhibitions are typically four to five weeks in length and facilitate a two-week installation and one-week strike as needed. Exhibitions can result from an artist(s) residency or be presented as a special project. Curators, artists, and collectives are encouraged to submit proposals to this program.
In addition to the exhibition, Oxygen will produce a catalogue as both an archival and educational document. Catalogues represent the exhibition or project as documented by a professional photographer and commission an arts professional or writer to contribute a critical essay. Catalogues are typically created during the exhibition or project run and are printed up to one month after the exhibition closes. Catalogues are on display and for sale at Oxygen Art Centre and Oxygen’s website.
Oxygen Art Centre is committed to paying CARFAC fees for exhibitions and artist talks. Pending funding, Oxygen will also pay fees related to the transportation of artist(s) and artwork(s). To review previous exhibition programming, visit here.
Selected artists for the exhibition program will be supported in the following ways:
— CARFAC Artist fees for exhibition, talk(s), administration, and royalties
— Artist talk and community engagement opportunities
— Staff and/or contract preparator(s) may be available to assist with installation
— Exhibition catalogue with commissioned exhibition essay
— Digital photographic documentation
— Social media, print, and digital publicity through organizational channels
— Oxygen will support the artist(s) in the execution of their project through travel and accommodation, per diem, shipping, installation, and technical support, wherever possible
— Oxygen encourages selected artists to apply for travel and project funding to support their project and can assist with letters of support
All accepted proposals are contingent on funding.
Oxygen’s Residency Program supports process-based projects that encourage experimentation and push conventional practice. The Artists-in-Residence Program aims to offer artists the time and space to research and create work in the context of Nelson, BC. This program is open to artists, curators, and collectives at all stages of their practices.
Residencies are typically one to two months in length. Artists will be given full access to Oxygen Art Centre’s facility to use as their studio space throughout their residency.
The facility is a 900 sq-ft warehouse space located along an alleyway in Nelson’s downtown. The facility features ramp access, wheelchair accessible bathroom, a small kitchenette, and wifi. Additional support can be acquired depending on the artist and their needs.
Wherever possible, visiting artists will be billeted within the community for the duration of their residency. Billeted accommodations will be within short walking, biking, or driving distance from the residency facility and will be chosen to best suit the artist(s) needs.
Artist-in-Residence is invited to present an Artist Talk or host an Open Studio(s) during their tenure. Artist-in-Residence is encouraged to engage with the community through adjunct programming such as school tours, screenings, workshops, etc. Community outreach opportunities will be developed with the artist(s) before their arrival.
● To provide professional and emerging artists with unrestricted time and space to research, develop, and produce an ongoing or new body of work/projects.
● To support artists and artistic practices without the requirements of output or exhibition.
● To provide our regional community with access to a diverse range of contemporary Canadian arts practices and theories.
● To provide adjunct programming activities such as talks, workshops, open studios, and exhibitions to promote interaction with contemporary art.
Selected artists for the residency program will be supported in the following ways:
— Artist fees for residency, administration, artist talks, and community engagement
— Artist Talk and community engagement opportunities
— Billeted accommodation
— Artists are expected to work independently but will have access to Oxygen staff and resources to assist with any aspect of the residency, as needed
— Oxygen will support the artist(s) in the execution of their project through travel and accommodation, per diem, shipping, installation, and technical support, wherever possible
— Oxygen encourages selected artists to apply for travel and project funding to support your project and can assist with letters of support
All accepted proposals are contingent on funding.
Applications are to be submitted by Google Form and should include the following:
- Artist Bio (150 words)
- Please provide a summary of your practice history, training, and any contexts that inform your work. We value diverse forms of arts education and arts practices and invite you to note lived experiences, mentorships, employment, exhibition histories, and any learning experiences that have led you to cultivate the work you are proposing. In the event that you are interested in adjunct programming (such as workshops, etc.) please indicate if you have any experience in education or public program delivery.
- Include artist(s) website or social media where applicable.
- Statement (500 words)
- Please describe your current research questions and what interests or urgencies are currently informing your practice. Rather than the details of a discreet exhibition, we want to hear what you are working on and what concerns are being addressed through your current investigations. Oxygen’s Exhibition and Residency program model stresses development and experimentation, and as such we invite proposals that engage in open-ended questions. For further framing, please refer to the guiding questions above.
- Please describe your current research questions and what interests or urgencies are currently informing your practice. Rather than the details of a discreet exhibition, we want to hear what you are working on and what concerns are being addressed through your current investigations. Oxygen’s Exhibition and Residency program model stresses development and experimentation, and as such we invite proposals that engage in open-ended questions. For further framing, please refer to the guiding questions above.
- Documentation
- Any media or content that demonstrates your artistic practice. Please feel welcome to include a range of documentation (writing samples, images, media)
- Maximum of 10 images
- *1 MB file size each (.jpeg format with a resolution of 72 dpi at 1024 x 768 pixels)
- Images must be labeled as number_title_lastname (example:01_Untitled_Oxygen).
- For media or performance projects submit direct links to Vimeo or YouTube. Do not send video files electronically.
- Up to 3 writing samples, no longer than 2 pages each.
- Please include publication information
- Documentation list. For images, please include image numbers, artist name, title of work, year, medium, and dimensions. For media, please include URL, artist name, title of work, year, medium, duration. For writing samples, please include artist name, title of work, original length (if excerpted), publication information.
*Collaborative or group proposals should include an artist bio for each participating artist in addition to the above application contents.
Please use this Google Form to apply. The bio and statement are submitted as text responses and can be prepared in advance and copied and pasted. Documentation is to be uploaded. Please refer to the above guidelines for more information on file sizes, etc.
Need support or to apply another way? Please get in touch with
The goals of Oxygen Art Centre are to stimulate the creation, exhibition, and discussion of contemporary art in all disciplines; to encourage cultural development and professional artistic practices; to engage in community development through art-based projects; and to achieve diversity in programming and organizational practices.
In following these goals, Oxygen’s Exhibition & Residency program seeks applications from artists, curators, and collectives outlining their practice and urgencies that require time, space, and resources. Oxygen’s community, facility, and locality propose unique opportunities to explore unresolved critical contemporary art questions beyond productivity-based outcomes.
Successful applicants will:
● Articulate their research interests, urgencies, and questions
● Demonstrate their interest in Oxygen and provide clarity as to how the collaboration with Oxygen will further their practice
● Contribute to contemporary art and research
● Reflexivity of existing contexts (regional, geographical, arts milieus, practice context, disciplinarity)
● Feasibility of application in accordance with Oxygen’s facility and capacity
● Demonstrate an alignment with Oxygen’s Mandate
Successful applicants will engage in discussion with Oxygen Staff to determine feasibility, timeline, and project needs one year prior to commencement. Communication will determine the specifics of the relationship and the project. Communication will be compensated according to CARFAC artist administration and preparation rates.
All applications are reviewed by Oxygen Art Centre’s Exhibition & Residency Selection Committee.
We accept submissions in the winter season. Applications are reviewed on an annual basis. If successful, you will receive a response within one year of submission. Only successful applicants will be contacted. Artists interested and available to participate in Oxygen programming will be invited to update their project proposal, especially should scheduling require a two- to three-year delay. All applications will be retained in Oxygen’s archive for three years. Artists are welcome to resubmit every year.
To review previous exhibition and residency programming visit here.
Oxygen Art Centre Floor Plan & Images.
Oxygen is also excited to collaborate with other arts spaces and organizations for cross-programming and joint projects. We are interested in such collaborations in all of our programs, including education and literary arts programs. If you would like to work together, we are excited to hear from you, please email us at
>> Readings
>> One-offs
>> Workshops
>> Events, performances, screenings
>> Printed matter