Creative Time – For New Parents

Creative Time – For New Parents!


When: 5 classes: May 24 – June 14 

/ Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 noon (2 hours)

Who: New Parents + Parents to be
These classes are designed for the 6 month period before and after having your little one.

With: Artist, educator & mom Natasha Smith

What: Join other new parents and pregnant folk for creative time at Oxygen Art Centre. These inclusive, supportive, and fun sessions provide time to draw, collage, and write specific for pre- and post-partum bodies and children. Involving yourself in such mindful practices can be valuable for new parents (to be). No experience is necessary; just a desire to make time for creativity. Each week we will explore different techniques through thoughtful prompts for yourself and your baby to share creative practice.

Course Fee: $100 (all materials included)

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