The Hungry Mist (A Névoa Faminta) Curated by Rodrigo D’Alcântara   PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Drawing Flux 1 / Fluxo de Desenho 1: In-nature Immersion, Fantasy & Anti-colonial Gaze  

Date: Friday, November 17, 2023 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Nelson PST) Format: In-person (meet at Oxygen Art Centre)

Admission is free. No registration required.  

In this first workshop of the residency, the curator will lead a free drawing workshop in which the artists and the public will be encouraged to think in fantastic terms in relation with their surrounding natural environments. The public are invited to meet with the curator and artists at Oxygen Art Centre on Friday, November 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM to be led on a walk outdoors. Please be prepared for varying weather conditions. The workshop will be two-hours in length.

*Participants should bring their notebooks and drawing materials so that they can respond to the curator’s drawing exercises throughout the hike.

To participate remotely, please access the workshop instructions here or contact to receive the workshop instructions via email. Remote participants will receive a series of outdoor drawing instructions and are encouraged to share their resultant drawings following the exercise.

Nessa primeira oficina da residência, o curador guiará uma oficina de desenho livre na qual es artistas serão estimulades a pensarem de forma fantástica em relação à integração com a natureza local de Nelson [parque será anunciado]. 10h a 12h, Nelson.  

+ Suggested Material / Material sugerido: Capikarã (Dir. Rodrigo D’Alcantara, 2019) – password: sincretica


  Image credit: Video still from Capikarã (Dir. Rodrigo D’Alcantara, 2019)   More details, here.

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